frontierCities2 MAG2 Call is now closed!

The third frontierCities2 open call, Market Acceleration Grant (MAG)2 closed last Wedneasday 31st January 2018 at 17 hrs CET.  We want to thank all of you that have participated in an application.

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The call was launched on 29 November 2017, during the FIWARE TECHNICAL SUMMIT in Malaga, Spain. The MAG2 call required to have an already trialled FIWARE solution when submitting their application, thus 165 application were started, and only 36 completed. By requesting a life trial frontierCites2 accelerator has ensured that the submitted solutions were market- and customer- ready for the Market Acceleration programme.

The fC2 team in charge of the call implementation, it is now going into the eligibility check, after which the assessment process will be initiated.

We will keep you posted with more information on the MAG2 call and stats next week.